Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Berita Mingguan 27 Maret 2010

Alkitab menggambarkan tentang suatu "generasi aku" di hari-hari terakhir. "Ketahuilah bahwa pada hari-hari terakhir akan datang masa yang sukar. Manusia akan mencintai dirinya sendiri..." (2 Tim. 3:1). Nubuat yang sama memperingatkan bahwa generasi aku tidak akan dapat "menerima ajaran sehat, tetapi mereka akan mengumpulkan guru-guru menurut kehendaknya untuk memuaskan keinginan telinganya." (2 Tim. 4:3). Generasi "aku" sudah tiba pada kita. Ini adalah zaman politik"ku" (demokrasi), musik"ku," fashion"ku," ruang"ku," diet"ku," dan ini adalah zaman dengan lagu tema "I did it my way" (Aku melakukannya dengan caraku). Inilah prinsip dari rock & roll sejak awalnya. "I'm free to do what I want any old time" (Rolling Stone, 1965). Tidak mengherankan, ini juga adalah zamannya gereja"ku" dan theologi"ku, " yang adalah definisi tepat dari gerakan emerging church. Hal ini sangat jelas dalam sebuah konferensi berjudul "Theology After Google" di Claremont School of Theology di California. Para pemimpin gerakan emerging seperti Tony Jones dan Spencer Burke menyajikan suatu filosofi yang dijamin akan menggelitik telinga generasi aku. Mereka mengkontraskan "Gereja 1.0" dari "era lama" dengan "Gereja 2.0" dari era Google. Sementara Gereja 1.0 adalah tentang "kepemimpinan dari atas ke bawah, pengakuan iman, doktrin, dan objektif literal" (yang kedengaran sangat mirip dengan gereja sebagaimana digambarkan dalam Perjanjian Baru), Gereja 2.0 melingkupi "theologi wiki, yang dari bawah ke atas, kebudayaan yang subjektif dan terus berkembang" ("Emergent Christians Mull Theology in Google Era," The Christian Post, 16 Maret 2010).

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Berita Mingguan 13 Maret 2010

Rick Warren telah mengumumkan bahwa grup rock The Jonas Brothers akan tampil di perayaan Paskah Gereja Saddleback di Stadium Angel tanggal 4 April ini. Tanggal itu juga adalah ulang tahun ke-30 gereja besar tersebut. The Jonas Brothers adalah sebuah band laki-laki yang digandrungi oleh ribuan fans perempuan yang berpikiran kedagingan. Anggota-anggota band ini adalah orang-orang yang mengaku Kristen, tetapi musik mereka duniawi. Lagu mereka yang berjudul "Burnin' Up" berbunyi demikian: "Baby, who turned the temperature hotter? Cause I'm burnin up, burnin up for you baby. ... I fell so fast/ Can't hold myself back/ High heels, red dress/ All by yourself, gotta catch my breath." Tidak ada yang alkitabiah atau bagus mengenai hal-hal seperti ini. Alkitab melarang umat Allah untuk sama dengan dunia ini (Roma 12:2) dan memperingatkan bahwa "persahabatan dengan dunia adalah permusuhan dengan Allah" dan "barangsiapa hendak menjadi sahabat dunia ini, ia menjadikan dirinya musuh Allah" (Yakobus 4:4). Kata-kata yang sangat kuat ini diabaikan oleh rata-rata gereja hari ini. Ledakan modern gereja-gereja yang semakin serupa dengan dunia berbarengan dengan majunya musik kontemporer Kristen, yang mulai tahun 1960an. Pada tahun-tahun itulah A.W. Tozer menyatakan: "Selama berabad-abad gereja telah berdiri teguh melawan setiap bentuk entertainment duniawi, menyadari sifat sebenarnya dari semua itu. Oleh karena sikap ini gereja telah dianiaya oleh anak-anak dunia ini.


Baptist History Homepage

[Scroll down for additional Bios.]

There are more than 600 bios in this section; there are several bios of some who were prominent historically. The writings of some are included with their bio. Some Baptists who are included here are virtually unknown in our day, but they 'plowed faithfully in their small field' and are included.

Adams, George F. - Adams, John Q. - Alexander, Lewis D. - Anderson, R. T. - Angus, Joseph - Armitage, Thomas - Asplund, John - Backus, Isaac - Bainbridge, Peter - Baldwin, Thomas - Barrow, David - Beaman, Roy O. - Benedict, David - Black, J. D. - The Boardmans - George Dana & Sr. - Booth, Abraham - Bower, Jacob - Boyce, James P. - Brantly, W. T. - Breaker, J. M. C. - Broaddus, Andrew - Broadus, John A. - Brong, Rosco - Buck, William C. - Buckner, Henry Ireland -

Caperton, A. C. - Carey, William - Carpenter, C. H. - Carroll, B. H. - Carroll, J. M. - Castleberry, Van Boone - Cathcart, William - Chaudoin, William N. - Christian, John T. - Clarke, John - Cole, C. D. - Coleman, James S. - Comer, John - Cone, Spencer H. - Conner, Lewis - Craig, Elijah, Lewis and Joseph - Crawford, T. P. and Martha - Criswell, W. A. - Curry, J. L. M. -

Dayton, A. C. - Dillard, Ryland T. - Dixon, A. C. - Dobbs, C. E. W. - Doyle, David - Dudley, Ambrose and Thomas P. - Dudley, Richard M. - Dunbar, Duncan - Dunlevy, Francis - Dunster, Henry - Eaton, T. T. - Edmonds, Justin O. - Edwards, Morgan - Evans, Christmas - Everts, W. W. -

Ferrill, London - Ferris, Ezra - Fish, Ezra J. - Ford, Reuben - Ford, Samuel H. - Fristoe, Robert - Fuller, Andrew - Gano, John - Gano, Stephen - Gardner, W. W. - Giddings, Rockwood - Gifford, Andrew - Gill, John - Gillette, A. D. - Goddard, Josiah - Going, Jonathan - Graves, Absalom - Graves, Alfred C. - Graves, J. R. - Grigg, Jacob - Grime, J. H. -

Hall, J. N. - Hall, Robert - Harriss, Samuel - Hart, Oliver - Hartwell, Jesse Boardman - Hawthorne, James B. - Haycraft, Samuel - Henderson , Thomas - Hickman, William - Holcombe, Henry - Holman, Jesse - Holmes, Obadiah - Howell, R. B. C. - Ireland, James -

Jeter, Jeremiah B. - Jewell, William - Jolly, James M. - Judson, Adoniram - Kazee, Buell H. - Kerfoot, Franklin H. - Kiffin, William - Kirtley, James A. - Kirtley, Robert -

Lane, Dutton - Lane, Tidence - Lasher, George W. - Leland, John - Lynd, Samuel W. - Major, Richard - Mallary, Charles D. - Manly, Basil, Sr. and Jr. - Manning, James - Maple, Joseph C. - Marshall, Daniel - Marshman, Joshua - Marshman, John - Martin, M. T. - Matton, Charles Hiram - McCoy, Isaac - Mercer, Jesse - Moody, J. B. - Morgan, Abel - Murrow, J. S. - Myles, John -

Nevins, William M. - Noel, Silas M. - Norris, J. Frank - Nowlin, William Dudley - Pearce, Samuel - Peck, John Mason - Pendleton, James Madison - Poindexter, A. M. - Porter, J. W. -

Ragland, George - Ray, David B. - Read, James - Redding, Joseph - Rhees, Morgan John - Rice, John - Rice, Luther - Riley, William B. - Roberts, Issachar J. - Robinson, Ezekiel G. - Rone, Wendell - Ross, Reuben - Rowland, A. Judson - Ryland, Robert Saker, Alfred - Scott, Moses - Screven, William - Sears, A. D. - Semple, Robert B. - Shields, T. T. - Shuck, Henrietta Hall - Shuck, Jehu Lewis - Smith, Green Clay - Smith, Hezekiah - Smith, John - Spencer, John H. - Spurgeon, Charles H. - Stearns, Shubael - Stevens, John - Suggett, James -

Tanner, John - Tarrant, Carter - Taylor, A. S. - Taylor, Alfred - Taylor, Edwin R. - Taylor, H. Boyce - Taylor, John - Thomas, Jesse B. - Tichenor, Isaac - Tribble, Andrew - Tucker, Henry Holcombe - Upham, Edward - Vaughan, Joshua - Vaughan, William - Vickers, Moses -

Walker, Clarence - Waller, George - Waller, John - Waller, John L. - Wayland, Francis - Welch, James Ely - Werden, Peter - Whitsitt, James - Whitsitt, William - Williams, Alvin Peter - Willis, Joseph - Wood, John Henry - Wood, W. A. M. - Yeaman, W. Pope - (latest addition - 1.2.2010).

Celebrating 400 Years of Baptist Heritage

The year 2009 marked the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Baptist tradition. To help celebrate this notable anniversary, the Baptist History and Heritage Society created a new 24-article series, HISTORY SPEAKS. Readers of these articles are urged to print copies for themselves and even to duplicate copies for distribution and study.

Please include the following permission statement: “Used by permission of the Baptist History and Heritage Society and its website (, Atlanta, Georgia. Because the articles are produced by free-thinking Baptists, the BH&HS staff and board may or may not agree with the content of each article.”

History Speaks to Hard Questions Baptists Ask

Reflections on 400 Years of Baptist History

By Pamela Durso

Baptists and the Poor

By Albert L. Reyes

Baptists and Religious Liberty: Where Do We Stand Today?

By J. Brent Walker

Who is a Baptist?

By Thomas R. McKibbens

Baptists and Worship: How Can We Improve the Experience?

By Emmanuel A. McCall

Baptists and Local-Church Education: Is Sunday School Ministry

Still Relevant
By Dennis Foust

Baptists and the Family: What is Going on in Baptist Life?

By Lawrence H. Williams

Baptists, the Economy, and Violence: What is Happening and Why?

By David P. Gushee

Baptists and Resurgent Calvinism: What are the True Implications?

By Fisher Humphreys

Baptists and the Prosperity Gospel: Have We Turned the Gospel
into Magic?
By Karen Bullock
Baptist Survival: What Are the Top Challenges Facing
Baptists Today?
By Doug Weaver

Baptists and Immigration: Are We Welcoming Strangers

in the Gates?
By William M. Tillman, Jr.

Baptist Higher Education: How Baptist Is It?

By Michael E. Williams, Sr.
The Apparent Decline in Evangelism by Baptists in the U.S.
By William M. Pinson, Jr.

Baptist and Ethics: What Issues Are Most Important Today?

By Robert Parham

Baptist Churches and Leadership: Where Are We Headed?

By Jerry L. Faught II
Ecumenical/Interfaith Dialogue and Ministry: Are Baptists Ready
for the Excitement?
By John M. Finley

Baptist Interaction With Popular Culture: Traps and Opportunities
By C. Delane Tew

Baptists and the Internet: Are Baptists In Touch or Out of Touch?
By Bruce T. Gourley

Baptists and the Emerging Church: Are Baptists Losing Their Identity?
By William Loyd Allen

Race Relations: How Do Baptists Treat Their Brothers & Sisters?
By Pamela Smoot

Baptists and Globalism: What are Baptists' New Frontiers?
By Bill J. Leonard
The Baptist Name: What Does it Mean?
By Charles Deweese

Complimentary Baptist Heritage Bulletin Inserts
Baptist Beginnings, 1609
Baptist Beginnings in America, 1639
Separate Baptists
Baptist Contributions to Religious Freedom
The Move of Baptists Westward
Baptist Support of the Missionary Movement
The Spread of the Gospel Among Native Americans
The Preaching of the Gospel: A Baptist Tradition
Baptist Denominational and Moral Leadership
Hispanic Baptist Beginnings and Development
Baptists and Social Ministries: Nannie Helen Burroughs

Ten Suggestions for Celebrating the 400th Anniversary
of Baptist Beginnings

Who Are Baptists?

Special 2005 Series: Baptist Heritage and the 21st Century

Baptist Contributions to Protestantism
Patterns in Denominationalism
Big Issues Facing Baptists Today
Directions in Theological Education
Baptist Women Deacons
The Meaning of Ordination
The Ten Most Influential Baptists
Baptist Women in Ministry
Baptist World Congress Freedom Themes
Trends in Baptist Polity
Baptist Confessions of Faith
Baptist Origins
Baptist History Speaks to Contemporary Issues

Baptist Origins and Beliefs
Baptist Beginnings
Southern Baptist Beginnings
Turning Points in Baptist History
Baptists and Their Theology
Priesthood of All Believers
Perspectives on Women in Baptist Life
Myth: Baptists Believe in Doctrinal Uniformity

The First 2000 Years of Baptist History

Baptist Curriculum on the Crucial Role
of Baptist Doctrine and Baptist History
in Contending for the Faith,
in Spreading the Gospel,
and in Advancing Religious and Civil Liberty

The Origin of this Baptist Curriculum
Pastor John Jones, alarmed over Baptist churches dropping "Baptist" from their names, saw a need for members at Lighthouse Baptist Church to study and to better understand what is distinctive about Baptists in both doctrine and history. Since church member Terry Lee Hamilton loves history, Pastor Jones asked Terry to prepare lessons and teach a Sunday School class on Baptist history and distinctives.

Terry taught the course in 2001, and then again in 2006, updating and upgrading his lessons. Pastor Jones came up with the idea of preparing these Sunday School lessons for publication for use in other Independent Baptist churches where concerned pastors desire church members to study and to better understand what is distinctive about Baptists in both doctrine and history.

Distinctives of this Baptist Curriculum
The First 2,000 Years of Baptist History: Why You Should Be a Bible-Believing Baptist is unlike any other course on Baptist history and distinctives.
  • Each lesson is written by a Baptist attorney who has practiced law since 1977 and has fought in courtrooms and legislatures for religious freedom and separation of church and state since 1984.
  • Attorney Terry Hamilton's Sunday School lessons include insights on court cases in which he has fought, as well as insights from leading U.S. Supreme Court cases on freedom of religion and separation of church and state.
  • Each lesson concludes with Personal Application, where the student is challenged to apply what he has learned to (1) his personal walk with Jesus, family life, and church life, (2) contending for the faith, (3) spreading the Gospel, and (4) advancing religious and civil liberty in America and around the world.

Isaac  Backus C.  H. Spurgeon Adoniram Judson John  Leland
Isaac Backus C. H. Spurgeon Adoniram Judson John Leland

Suitability of this Baptist Curriculum
This curriculum, with 13 lessons, was originally designed to be taught during Sunday School. However, some preachers are planning on teaching these lessons on Wednesday or Sunday evening services. In addition, church schools, homeschooling families, and even Bible colleges are using these lessons as part of their curriculum.

Instructions for Use
This Baptist History curriculum has two primary components:
  • The Teacher Edition Textbook (125 pages), in full color, includes 13 lessons with all fill-in-the-blank answers as well as special instructions in red to guide the teacher in each lesson.
  • The Student Edition Textbook (125 pages), in black and white, includes 13 lessons with fill-in-the-blanks for students.
We also have available the following supplemental products for this curriculum which are valuable in the academic setting for church schools, home schools, Bible institutes, and Bible colleges:
  • The Student Workbook (33 pages), in black and white, contains review questions for each of the 13 lessons (159 questions total). This workbook does not contain the 13 lessons -- students are to use this workbook in conjunction with the Student Edition Textbook.
  • The Teacher Answer Keys & Tests (89 pages), in black and white, contains answers to the review questions from the Student Workbook, 3 tests (50 questions each), and answers to tests. This answer key is to be used in conjunction with the Student Workbook.
Glory to Glory Ministries grants to each church the privilege of making sufficient copies of the Student Edition Textbook, the Student Workbook, and Tests for students in the church, school, or college.

All Scripture quotations are taken from the Authorized King James Bible.

A Brief Survey of Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches

What are their Beliefs and History
Compiled by Cooper P. Abrams, III
All Rights Reserved (September 2007)

  • What Is An Independent Fundamental Baptist?
  • Baptists Are Not Protestants.
  • Who Were the First Baptists?
  • When and Where Was the First Recorded Baptist Church in History
  • The Beginnings of the Baptists in America
  • What Makes a True Baptist?
  • The Five Baptist Distinctives
  • Concluding Remarks
  • Bibliography
  • A Woman Rides the Beast!

    Published 1994, 549 pages

    Overturning the Reformation

    1. A Woman Rides the Beast!

    2. Reason to Believe

    3. A Passover Plot?

    4. An Unfolding Revelation

    5. Mystery, Babylon

    6. A City on Seven Hills

    7. Fraud and Fabricated History

    8. Unbroken Line of Apostolic Succession?

    9. Infallible Heretics?

    10. Infallibility and Tyranny

    11. Upon This Rock?

    12. Unholy Mother

    13. Seducer of Souls

    14. An Incredible Metamorphosis

    15. Unholy Alliances

    16. Dominion over Kings

    17. Blood of the Martyrs

    18. Background to the Holocaust

    19. The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Jews

    20. The Slaughter of the Serbs

    21. The Vatican Ratlines

    22. Sola Scriptura?

    23. A Question of Salvation

    24. "Sacrifice" of the Mass

    25. The Reformation Betrayed

    26. Apostasy and Ecumenism

    27. What about Mary?

    28. The Coming New World Order

    Appendix A: Purgatory

    Appendix B: Indulgences

    Appendix C: Dominion over Kings: Further Documentation

    Appendix D: Papal Infallibility and Apostolic Succession

    Appendix E: Papal Heretics, the Bible, and Galileo

    Appendix F: What About Tradition?


    To the nearly 1 billion Roman Catholics

    misinformed by their hierarchy;

    to the 400 million Protestants equally ignorant

    of the facts; and to the genuine martyrs

    on both sides, this book is dedicated.

    ORIGIN of the BAPTISTS by SH Ford


    Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


    Enlarged March 8, 2010 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

    From time to time I am asked if I follow the guidelines of Matthew 18 before I publish a report.

    For example, when I published an open challenge to Clarence Sexton about the Friendship Conferences, I received the following:

    “I am deeply upset at the private letter you posted on your website to Dr Sexton. Thanks for shooting your own and not calling Pastor Sexton personally to get all of the facts. I guess you don't read Matthew 18 all that often.”

    The fact is that I did contact Pastor Sexton personally months before the publication of the article. As for Matthew 18, as we will see, it has nothing to do with the issue.

    When I published a gentle warning about some of the newer Patch the Pirate music tapes years ago, I received some notes from people asking if I had first approached Majesty Music. Following is one of these:


    Updated March 9, 2010 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

    In a book on the subject of Christian funerals, a writer gives the following advice regarding cremation:

    “Personally, the minister may or may not approve of such proceedings. Privately, he is free to hold any opinion that he will. But officially he should keep an open mind. In the Christian religion there is nothing that frowns upon cremation or requires burial.”

    Is this sound advice? Is cremation a matter of Christian liberty? In certain places land space is so crowded that burial plots are very expensive and in some cases there are efforts by the governments to discourage burial in preference to cremation. That this problem has become acute in Singapore is referred to in the following official statement made by the Bible Presbyterian Church of Singapore in May, 1987--

    “1. There is an increasing number of cremations in Singapore even amongst Christians. 2. It is quite evident that our Government favours cremation by improving the facilities of the existing crematoria and columbaria, and by increasing the cost of burial while keeping down the cost of cremation. 3. Some non-Bible Presbyterian pastor have spoken and written in favour of cremation and have officiated at cremations while some non-Bible Presbyterian churches have even built columbaria. 4. Those who favour cremation claim it is more hygienic, cleaner and cheaper. 5. They see cremation as a convenient form of disposal of the dead. 6. Cremation does away with burial plots that need to be upkept and falls in line with our Government’s stress on strategic land use” (Far Eastern Beacon, July 1987, p. 4).

    Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

    Berita Mingguan 06 Maret 2010

    Tanggal 20 Februari yang lalu, sebuah gereja Presbyterian di Wisconsin menyetujui penahbisan Scott Anderson, yang pernah dipecat 20 tahun yang lalu. Anderson tadinya menggembalakan Gereja Presbyterian Bethany di Sacramento, California, dari tahun 1983 hingga 1990, sebelum dia dipaksa untuk turun karena homoseksualitasnya, karena konstitusi Gereja Presbyterian USA mengharuskan para gembala "hidup dalam kesetiaan pernikahan antara seorang lelaki dengan seorang wanita, atau dalam kekudusan kehidupan tak menikah." Pada tahun 2006, Sidang Raya Gereja Presbyterian USA "menafsir ulang" hal ini dan mengizinkan penahbisan orang-orang homoseksual jika diterima oleh badan kepemimpinan lokal. Jelas sekali bahwa kata-kata sama sekali tidak memilki arti bagi orang-orang ini, baik itu kata-kata Alkitab maupun kata-kata konstitusi mereka sendiri. Penahbisan Anderson yang baru disetujui oleh sejawatnya yang sesat dengan proporsi 81 banding 25.